Disentangled Person Image Generation

Liqian Ma,  Qianru Sun,  Stamatios Georgoulis,  Luc Van Gool,  Bernt Schiele,  Mario Fritz 

CVPR 2018, Spotlight


Motivation: Learn image generation model for persons that explicitly represents foreground, background, and pose.

Task: Synthesize person images, while independently controlling foreground, background, and pose, in a self-supervised way.

Key idea: Disentangle person images into the aforementioned components, and then combine.



 Paper   ArXiv   Code   VirtualDataset   Bibtex   Slides   Poster 


Our framework contains two stages as shown below. At stage-I, we use a person’s image as input and disentangle the information into three main factors, namely foreground, background and pose. Each disentangled factor is modeled by embedding features through a reconstruction network. At stage-II, a mapping function is learned to map a Gaussian distribution to a feature embedding distribution.

In details, the stage-I is a disentangled image reconstruction pipeline composed of three branches. Note that we use a fully-connected auto-encoder network to reconstruct the pose (incl. keypoint coordinates and visibility), so that we can decode the embedded pose features to obtain the heatmaps at the sampling phase.

During testing, we can sample embedding features of foreground, background and pose from Gaussian noise, and then combine and decode them person images.


The proposed framework enables many applications, incl. image manipulation, pose-guided person image generation, image interpolation, image sampling and person re-ID.

[1] L. Ma, J. Xu, Q. Sun, B. Schiele, T. Tuytelaars, and L. Van Gool. Pose guided person image generation. In NIPS, 2017.
[2] H. Fan and L. Zheng and Y. Yang. Unsupervised Person Re-identification: Clustering and Fine-tuning. In ArXiv, 2017.